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[{"reviewer_name":"Kelsey Heenan","review_text":"\"Not only did I see my biomarkers improve, I know I\u2019m taking exactly what my body needs for better performance and better day to day life.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/Kelsey-H-headshot-1-e1711499030467.jpg"},{"reviewer_name":"Janna Breslin","review_text":"\"I need to be in tune with my body and Joi offers deep dive blood diagnostic labs that allow me to supplement with precision through Smart Supps.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/Screenshot-2024-03-26-172513.png"},{"reviewer_name":"Jessica Cooper","review_text":"\"The process with Joi was super easy and customized to fit my needs. I\u2019m busy with 3 kids, a husband and a full-time job so feeling my best and having energy is a must for me!\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/jessica.jpg"}]

3 Tips For More Restful Sleep

By Katy Whalen
March 22, 2022

When it Comes to Achieving Optimal Health, Skimping on Sleep Can Be a Deal-Breaker

It may seem unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but not getting enough sleep can cause a myriad of health issues that many overlook or are unaware of. In an effort to achieve their health goals, many hyper-focus on diet and exercise and neglect this arguably most important facet of whole-body health, not realizing that the benefits of all the others often hinge on this one thing. 

It gets even worse if sleep problems become chronic. High blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure, and stroke are all potential problems associated with chronic sleep deprivation. A weaker immune system, lower sex drive, and dry, dull skin are also unfortunate and unintended consequences of not getting enough sleep. 

When you consider the effects of screens on your circadian rhythm and try to avoid overexposure to your phone and laptop in today’s digital hustle culture, checking all the right boxes when it comes to health can seem impossible. There are however ways to maximize those zzz’s so the biological processes that reenergize and restore your brain and body can take place and make sure you operate at your best. Here are 3 tips to achieving better sleep.

3 Time-Tested Tips for Better Sleep

  1. No screens an hour before bed. Smartphones are one of the most innovative inventions of our time. They have made our lives easier and help us be more productive. But scrolling in bed keeps your brain in a stimulated state sometimes hours after you’ve put the phone down. Further, the blue light emitted from your phone imitates sunlight which also signals to your brain that it’s time to wake, not sleep. Experts recommend a one-hour break before bed, but even 30 minutes will help your transition to dreamland commence more smoothly. 
  2. Write your to-do list down before you go to bed. Oftentimes the stress of tomorrow’s worries keeps us awake at night. While we often cannot do anything about tomorrow’s stress today, a 2018 study did find that participants who wrote a to-do list before bed fell asleep faster. The key, according to researchers, is the mental transfer of impending responsibilities before bedtime which calmed the mind and facilitated more sound sleep. The more specific the to-do lists, the faster they fell asleep. So don’t forget to write it down – and feel free to be specific!  
  3. Get some morning sunlight. The modern-day demands many of us face each day take us further away from nature, causing our circadian rhythms – our bodies’ internal clock that regulates waking and sleeping – to be dysregulated, causing sleep and other health issues. By getting outdoors and soaking up even a few minutes of sunshine within the first hour of waking – before responding to that email or Instagram notification – you can regulate your circadian rhythm and subsequently sleep better. 

While these are proven tips to help you achieve more restful sleep, you may not notice positive changes overnight. But consistency is key. Still, for some, they can’t seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel (or count enough sheep) and spend evenings tossing and turning while looking at the alarm clock every few minutes. Studies galore and varying degrees of expert advice have tried to tackle the issue of sleep, yet some 70 million Americans still suffer from sleep disorders

Sleep Soundly with Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide Therapy (DSIP)

Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP) is a naturally occurring substance in the brain that not only promotes better sleep but exhibits a stress-protective function that decreases stress metabolic disorders. It has been widely used and heralded for its proven ability to treat poor sleep, alleviate pain, reduce stress, improve testosterone levels and has been well-researched for its ability to regulate hormone levels and boost athletic performance.

Other benefits of DSIP include:

  • Balance disturbed sleep patterns
  • Promote LH and GH release
  • Relieve or reduce chronic pain
  • Regulate cortisol production

If you have tried everything and still suffer from chronic sleep deprivation or a sleep disorder like insomnia, DSIP could be the answer you’ve been looking for. At Joi, we are dedicated to providing customized solutions proven to help you feel like you again. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our licensed providers.

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