[{"reviewer_name":"Kelsey Heenan","review_text":"\"Not only did I see my biomarkers improve, I know I\u2019m taking exactly what my body needs for better performance and better day to day life.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/choosejoi.co\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/Kelsey-H-headshot-1-e1711499030467.jpg"},{"reviewer_name":"Janna Breslin","review_text":"\"I need to be in tune with my body and Joi offers deep dive blood diagnostic labs that allow me to supplement with precision through Smart Supps.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/choosejoi.co\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/Screenshot-2024-03-26-172513.png"},{"reviewer_name":"Jessica Cooper","review_text":"\"The process with Joi was super easy and customized to fit my needs. I\u2019m busy with 3 kids, a husband and a full-time job so feeling my best and having energy is a must for me!\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/choosejoi.co\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/jessica.jpg"}]
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tagged with ‘fat loss’
Why Am I Losing Weight So Slowly?
There could be a number of reasons for slow weight loss. These 4 weight loss inhibitors that could be plateauing your progress might surprise you. You’re several weeks into completely changing your diet, starting a rigorous new workout regimen, and making every change under the sun in hopes of fast-tracking weight loss. There’s only one […]
How Much Should a Woman Weigh? Women’s Height and Weight Chart
Every Body is Different and Various Factors like Body Mass Index (BMI) Play a Role in Determining the Recommended Weight for a Woman Let’s cut right to the chase: One-size-fits-all only applies to pantyhose and cheap Halloween costumes—not identifying a healthy weight for a woman. Learning a healthy weight range for you can depend on […]
Tirzepatide For Weight Loss: What You Need to Know
New FDA-approved Tirzepatide has been shown to produce significant weight loss in obese individuals and treat Type 2 diabetes. According to the CDC, a staggering 41% of Americans are considered obese. Obesity is an epidemic that doesn’t just increase the chances of serious health conditions like heart disease and even cancer—but it does a number […]
What is Semaglutide? Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analog that was approved in 2020 as a treatment method for improving glycemic control in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Semaglutide shows great promise for patients who are having difficulty losing weight, and even those without Type 2 Diabetes can use this peptide. Studies have demonstrated […]
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